Our Vision
To be one of the leading healthcare providers in the world.
Our Mission
Provision of quality healthcare services that are Patients’ centred and in the context of individual, family and the community using best global practices models.
Company Profile
ST. RAPHAEL HOSPITAL LIMITED was incorporated in 1989 and it commenced operation in 1990 at Okota, Lagos.
At the commencement of operation, we started with Ten (10) members of staff and we attended to about Two Hundred and Forty (240) patients per month over a period of 6 months. The composition of our staff then was made up of Medical Personnel and some Non-Medical Personnel.
With this modest beginning, it is interesting to know that we have been recording steady growth in the number of patients we serve on monthly basis from 240 at inception in 1990 to the current figure of over Two Thousand Five Hundred (2,500) patients per month.
Our strength is anchored on excellent interpersonal skills, good leadership traits, well trained staffs and our unflinching support for qualitative healthcare delivery service.